Workflow Management Project 2022

Jürgen Dorn

The course consists of lecture and project applying workflow management software. Each participant registers for the course in the course management system (a Drupal based system) and specifies with the registration some competences (programming, business administration, process management, practical working expe¬rience). Each participant has to answer an electronic questionnaire on some basic knowl¬edge that was obtained either in the course “Unternehmensmodellierung und Business Engineering” or in the first and second lecture of the workflow management course.
A team is created of five participants and a name and team speaker is selected. Develop as a team together an application of a Workflow Management System.
Imagine you are working for a hypothetical or real organization whose core business process provides/delivers a service/product to its customers. Define this business process so that it integrates different required resources (humans, machines, and information systems). Each team must have at least as many resources (tasks implemented for these resources) as it has members (RQ1). These tasks must later be implemented on different servers (as a distributed application). To have a certain complexity of the process, the following requirements are posed on the process:
• The process shall use one or more new technologies developed in the IT domain (e.g. a new communication technology, recommendation system, artificial intelli-gence, block chains, …). This technology can be simulated, but the idea is that the process is improved by this technology compared to a traditional process (RQ2).
• One of the tasks shall be performed by a human role where each member of the team is a person that is assigned to the role. So if the process is executed any member should be able to do this task. Develop a strategy or rule to whom the execution of a task instance is assigned (e.g. the person with lowest work load) (RQ3).
• For measuring the successful performance of the process three Key Process Indicators (KPIs) have to be defined (RQ4).
• At least one exception shall be defined for the process (i.e. you assume that an error may occur in your process and you define which task has to be executed in this case) (RQ5).
Each team specifies in a short description what kind of workflow application they want to develop (e.g. a certain business process, a software process, a cloud process, a scientific process, a publication process or some other kind of process). The description has to be uploaded to the system and presented in a first meeting. If the description or the presentation is not sufficient, this step has to be repeated.
Then the business process is modeled with a BPMN2.0 compliant tool and uploaded as bpmn and pdf file.
A workflow management engine or some other system that can be used to manage the process has to be selected. Each member of the group implements a task that has to be integrated into the workflow. Different programming languages and computers (distributed applications are favoured). These computers may be servers that you can use elsewhere or the five virtual servers that we provide.
Each project will be tested by all other teams. This means in a project other participants are customers of your process. The project has to control who has participated and the KPIs of the process are measured and later evaluat ed and displayed in a diagram.
In a final meeting, your team presents your project in general and especially the KPIs. With about 5 slides (project description, project division in tasks and members, KPI measurement, technical issues and problems occurred in the project and general feedback).

Learning Object