Workflow Applications

This page lists the applications developed since the year 2017. Each application uses different servers for different tasks of its workflow. Since these applications were developed on different servers not under our control, these applications may not anymore accessible and working.


AI Customized SKI Production (Project 2) Manufacturing
DigiPub (Project 7) Publication process
Hotelify (Project 5) Vacation Application
ShampooMe (Project 8) Cosmetics
Vinerino (Project 04) Food retailing


Digital Green Card (Project 3) Vacation Application
Fast & Furious (Project 6) E-Commerce
Get Shot (Project 05) Healthcare
SolvEvent (Project 4) Logistic & Entertainment


1450 Coronify (Project 10) Healthcare
Claim Insurance (Project 2) Healthcare
CoronaCare (Team 5) Healthcare
getTested (Project 11) Transportation and Logistics
Merchandice (Project 7) E-Commerce
Online PawnShop (Project 8) E-Commerce
OrderUp (Project 3) Food retailing
Procure-to-Pay (Project 9) Office automation
Rainbow - Deal Approval Process: Client Application (Project 4) Contract Management
touchLESS (Project 6) Transportation and Logistics


BettingBad (Project 08) Entertainment
Cookify (Project 06) Smart assistant
DentalCare (Project 05) Healthcare
E-Taxi Monitoring (Project 11) Transportation
EmplOn (Project 09) Human Resources (Project 03) University
TheBenchBuddies™ (Project 02) Fitness


AMISA Greeting cards & Messages (Project 19) Online order processing
Delivery12 (Project 12) Food delivery
E-Bookshelf (Project 15) E-Commerce
Financial Aid (Project 9) E-Government
GetYourTaxBack (or pay some more) (Project 1) Public administration
Joe's Trips (Project 18) Tourism
Private Dancers (Team Test) Entertainment
Quarz Production Austria (Project 11) Quartz industry
Server hosting (Team 6) Server Hosting
Supportify (Project 14) IT Support


A&A Hospital Service (Project 14) Healthcare
Bank (Project 11) Finance
Biolytix (Project 6) Office automation
Drone Delivery (Project 9) Transportation and Logistics
Justice (Project 7) Judiciary
Medical supplychain (Team 5) Transportation and Logistics
Order Handling (Project 10) Transportation and Logistics
Tour request (Project 8) Tourism
TUFly (Project 3) Transportation / Flight Ticket reservation
